The Slave Trader | Colorwind Beats Assassin’s Creed [10]

Episode 10 of my playthrough / walkthrough of Assassin’s Creed for the Xbox 360 via the Xbox One X’s backwards compatibility. Part of my let’s play YouTube series Colorwind Beats, in which I play through games.

Busy Work | Colorwind Beats Assassin’s Creed [9]

We continue our investigation in Jerusalem and do the busy work of saving citizens and climbing towers.

Lost in the Kingdom | Colorwind Beats Assassin’s Creed [8]

We begin our next assassination target with our final trip to the Kingdom and TOTALLY GET LOST before making our way to Jerusalem and running into an old “friend”.

The Good Doctor | Colorwind Beats Assassin’s Creed [7]

We finish our first visit to Acre and take out the maniac doctor, Garnier de Laplouse!

I Killed So Many Guards | Colorwind Beats Assassin’s Creed [6]

Things get a little hairy in this episode as the game crashes on me and EVERYONE TRIES TO KILL ME!

Emo City | Colorwind Beats Assassin’s Creed [5]

Memory Block 3 begins with a glitchy trek through the Kingdom to Acre, the home of our next target, and the first half of our investigation.