Colorwind Reviews Hocus Pocus 2 | The Witches Are Back!

The original Hocus Pocus has become a Halloween staple. It’s made for TV vibe alongside its quirky and strange premise, such as its focus on the virginity of the main teenage boy, made it memorable amongst quirky Halloween fans. Despite the original being a box office failure for Disney when it was released, a cult following formed in the following years that has kept the film alive. It’s because of this cult following that nearly 30 years later, the Sanderson Sisters make a return with the original actors filling in their roles with a new cast and an updated Salem in current times as a streaming exclusive for Disney +. However, does the sequel live up to the original’s standard or possibly exceed it or does it fall prey to the nostalgia of the first? Continue reading “Colorwind Reviews Hocus Pocus 2 | The Witches Are Back!”

Favorites of 2018

2018 was a year of hit and misses, in my opinion. While the year started off strong in video games, there were a lot of disappointing releases by the time the year ended. Pop music fell by the wayside in 2018 but it was replaced by mediocre trap music and due to Billboard’s new algorithm, album bombs ruled the charts. Personally, I didn’t see many movies or shows and due to Spotify’s New Music Friday becoming obscenely large by August, I missed a lot of new music at the end of the year. I also didn’t manage to play a lot of the year’s best games until Christmas so my knowledge of media this past year was limited. However, I do have some favorites to recommend, even if I’m not comfortable giving full Top 5’s or 10’s to any of these forms. The rules are that I’ve seen, listen to, or played these picks to the end and that they had to be released in 2018. With that said, here are my favorites of 2018! Continue reading “Favorites of 2018”

Goodbye Christopher Robin | Movie Mini-Review

MV5BNTJhMTYwOTgtYjZlYi00NzBhLWEyZDQtM2Y2ZmZkYzJkMmQwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzQyNTEwOTY@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,674,1000_AL_Starring: Domhnall Gleeson, Margot Robbie, Kelly Macdonald, Will Tilston

Director: Simon Curtis

Writers: Frank Cottrell-Boyce, Simon Vaughan

Genre: Biographical Drama

Release Dates: October 13, 2017 (Theaters), January 23, 2018 (Home Media)

Running Time: 1 hour, 47 minutes

Continue reading “Goodbye Christopher Robin | Movie Mini-Review”

Operation Avalanche Review | The Backup Plan

mv5bmtyxmtq4ndk0nf5bml5banbnxkftztgwndixmzk2nze-_v1_uy1200_cr9006301200_al_Starring ► Matt Johnson, Owen Williams, Josh Boles

Directors ► Matt Johnson

Writers ► Matt Johnson, Josh Boles

Genre ► Thriller, Found Footage, Conspiracy

Release Date ► 2016-01-22 (Sundance), 2016-09-16 (Theaters), 2017-01-03 (Blu-Ray, DVD, Digital)

Running Time ► 94 minutes (1 hr, 34 min)

Continue reading “Operation Avalanche Review | The Backup Plan”

2016 Was Terrible, But Important

A quick introduction before I get into the editorial proper. This is an article that has been delayed longer than I would’ve wished for. I wanted for some time now to write about more than just video games, music, and movies. Moving forward, this WordPress blog is going to be more based on myself than the topics I typically focus on. I mentioned this in the past, but this is really the start of that. Instead of coming to this blog for stuff on video games, you’ll be coming here for me, for my views and thoughts on a variety of topics. Subject matter will start becoming more serious and more controversial topics are bound to pop up. I thank you for continuing to read my work, and support my content. Video games and the like will still have a big presence here, as I’m still passionate about those subjects. However, you’re going to see a lot more than just that from now on. Now on to the editorial. Continue reading “2016 Was Terrible, But Important”

My Cinema Landscape [February 16th, 2016]

It’s been a very long time since my last Cinema Landscape and it’ll probably be a while until the next. However, I’m going to take the same approach I’ve been taking with my Gaming Landscape series and just write about the movies I’ve seen that I actually have something to write about and post one of these when I have enough material. So with this bit of house cleaning done, here is my Cinema Landscape as of February 16th, 2016: Hotel Transylvania 2, Sicario, Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome, and Mad Max: Fury Road.

Continue reading “My Cinema Landscape [February 16th, 2016]”

My Cinema Landscape [August 25th, 2015]

Just can’t seem to stay consistent with these Cinema Landscapes, can I? That’s because I don’t watch enough movies! Oh well. I’ve got enough to talk about today!

Continue reading “My Cinema Landscape [August 25th, 2015]”

My Cinema Landscape [April 16th, 2015]


It has been a while since I’ve done one of these! I have four movies to talk about this time so lets get into it.

Continue reading “My Cinema Landscape [April 16th, 2015]”

Colorwind Reviews John Wick–All This Over a DOG!?


Keanu Reeves kills a bunch of people because some punks stole his car and killed his dog. That’s it. That’s the movie. If that sounds bad to you, then my work is done and you don’t need to read the rest of this review. If you think that could be cool or fun in a popcorn kind of way, you’re wrong. No, shut up. YOU’RE WRONG! However, if you think this looks awesomely bad and a great movie to make fun of, then you would be right. This movie is all kinds of stupid and a lot of things about it just don’t work. But for the sake of professionalism, lets give you the premise and some positives about the movie because there are a few. A couple. One. There’s just one.

Continue reading “Colorwind Reviews John Wick–All This Over a DOG!?”

My Cinema Landscape [February 3rd, 2015]


Peace and love, cinephiles! Welcome to my inaugural edition of My Cinema Landscape. If you are familiar with My Gaming Landscape, this is the same idea but with movies. I’ve been watching a lot of movies recently and I’ve wanted to write about them but haven’t had the time to write about them individually, despite my best efforts. Therefore, like My Gaming Landscape – where I write about my thoughts on games I’ve been playing recently – My Cinema Landscape will be about movies I’ve watched recently. They will be informal mini-critiques and impressions and not meant to be comprehensive in the way a full blown review would be. With the post being explained, let’s talk about three movies I’ve seen recently.

Continue reading “My Cinema Landscape [February 3rd, 2015]”