Journal: Back To Me

It’s been three weeks since my last post, which was also a Journal entry. I’ve calmed down a lot since then, as I’ve learned to let myself relax more. Although I still have the urge to plan things way ahead of time and make lists of things I feel like accomplishing, I don’t feel as compelled to act on it like I did before. The one thing I still need to work on is allowing myself to just do things at random. I still struggle to let myself have downtime that isn’t planned. Simple things like picking something random on Netflix to watch when I have nothing to do is still difficult for me but I don’t do things I don’t want to do just to feel a form of productivity anymore. I don’t try to keep up with everything as much as before since I know that I just can not do it all by myself.

A week or so ago, I wanted to get back into the flow of things. The world isn’t going to stop for me, I thought, and it hasn’t. However, I was so worried about falling into the same patterns as before. Now, although that’s still a concern of mine, I’m so much more confident that I won’t now than I was before. I’ve been stockpiling ideas for articles and projects and I feel confident that I’m in a healthy enough frame of mind to accomplish them. This blog is actually me starting to get back into the swing of things. Hopefully, this will continue from this point on. If not, I’ll try again. I will say that I still haven’t talked to anyone medically about my sleeping, anxiety, and neurosis issues yet but that’s one of the things I am planning to get done.

Just to give a bit of a preview of things, I plan to write a new Game Pitch on Resident Evil 7, I’m playing through The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD for review for Middle of Nowhere Gaming, I want to start streaming again on Twitch, and I want to start a brand new in depth gaming review show on YouTube. I probably won’t be able to do the YouTube show for at least a month but perhaps it’ll be sooner. I also have plans to do more things but I’ll leave that in the dark for now. I feel good; I feel positive. Some days are better than others, but I accept that as an inevitability until I am able to get help, which may take quite some time. Well, that’s all from me. Peace and Love, Brothers and Sisters. Colorwind out.

Journal: Insomnia, Anxiety, and Neurosis, Oh My

I have been dealing with my sleep issues sans pills for a week now as well as realizing that I may have some anxiety and neurosis issues. I think I need to write in a long format my thoughts and progress with this as of now. I’ll prefix this by saying that I haven’t seen a doctor about anxiety or neurosis so there could be a chance that I’m overreacting to perhaps being just stressed or sleep deprived. I’m not sure if I’d prefer to be wrong or to have a clinical word attached to how I feel and think. Regardless, this is what I’ve come to understand for the time being so far.

Continue reading “Journal: Insomnia, Anxiety, and Neurosis, Oh My”

Journal: If I Ever Get Around To Living

I had no schedule today. I woke up, tired since my sleeping pills aren’t working still, and just sat in my office watching videos and surfing the net. I had met my quota. I had published three posts on my blog in two days (this will make it four) and had written an editorial for Middle of Nowhere Gaming. That editorial was still in editing so I had nothing to do. I was free from obligations to my colleagues, from my personal weekly goals and from the metaphorical voice in my head that tells me I’m not accomplishing anything. Continue reading “Journal: If I Ever Get Around To Living”

Journal: Sleeping Pill

zolpidem-tartrateIt’s been awhile since I’ve done a Journal entry. To mix things up and help readership of these posts, I’m also going to post this on Facebook and Tumblr directly. So for those reading this on Facebook, hey! Please check out my WordPress blog. I write about all kinds of stuff there.

Continue reading “Journal: Sleeping Pill”

Journal: Expression

So I’m doing this again. I thought tweeting and other social networks would satiate this itch to blog about life but it didn’t. I haven’t really been expressing myself and talking about how I feel and seeing how I express myself better not just in writing but long form writing, I’ve decided to bring my online Journal back. So now that we’re done with the exposition, let’s begin with the expression.

Continue reading “Journal: Expression”

Journal: Pokémon Sunday

20140316_143802_AndroidI don’t know why today of all days has inspired me to write a journal entry but here we are. I woke up late, almost noon. It’s been nice sleeping in lately as I had a busy week, a busy Tuesday really, I’m trying to recover from. After checking my email, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, and Feedly accounts (probably Google+ too), I watch a couple of YouTube videos. Continue reading “Journal: Pokémon Sunday”

Journal: The Blog that Continues to Grow

I decided to post my blog about the Wii U on Gaming Precision and the article is getting a lot of comments which is good for Gaming Precision. Continue reading “Journal: The Blog that Continues to Grow”