Mavado is Here! | Colorwind Streams Mortal Kombat 1

Mavado is now available and I learn how to use him with Ermac before taking them online!

Day 1 Ermac! | Mortal Kombat 1 Ermac w/ Sareena kasual matches | Online Contender

Ermac is here to save Mortal Kombat 1! How does he play and can I find one player who will rematch me?

Mortal Kombat 1 | Ermac w/ Sareena Novice Medium Playthrough | Arcade Contender

Ermac is here and it’s time to see what they were up to after the Story Mode!

ERMAC LAUNCH DAY! | Colorwind Streams Mortal Kombat 1

Ermac is now available to season pass holders and I had to get it. And I’m glad I did because he’s A LOT of fun!

Mortal Kombat 1 Ermac Reaction | Colorwind Reacts

Ermac finally makes his playable debut in Mortal Kombat 1! Is he worth the wait?